
Online French courses – Pack of 20 courses – Intensive Program

Original price was: 480,00 €.Current price is: 420,00 €.

Get this pack of 20 courses in 4 weeks in a row as our Intensive Program, what means you will have 5 courses each week. You will attend either General French courses, French for professionals or Preparation for DELF/DALF exam.



Learn French in a short time

Especially if you need to learn French quickly, you can opt for the Online Intensive French Program. In four weeks, you will attend 20 courses to learn French at home with a native teacher. It is such a good way to refresh your knowledge before a job interview or a DELF exam. With one class per day, you are sure to learn French easily ! If you have less weeks available, head for a pack of 5, 10 or 15 French courses.

The content of each course and activities at home will be similar to the General French courses. The first conversational course will be the occasion to tell me more about your objective and motivation to learn French quickly.

Enhance your conversational skills

Overall, practice your conversational skills is probably the best way to learn how to speak French language. This Online Intensive French Program will help you in the long term to get more confidence when speaking and writing in the French language. Thanks to those tailor-made classes, you will learn exactly what you need each time.

During the course, conversation will be the starting point to get more into the language details. Your teacher will particularly focus on vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and conjugation difficulties that you will encounter during the course. Indeed, this will be the start of your progress to learn how to speak French language. You will soon make the difference !

Contents of your online French courses

In addition, each course will rely on different techniques to learn how to speak French language :

  • Reading out-loud of an article, explanation of specific vocabulary and replying to questions as a discussion with your teacher
  • Presentation of a grammar lesson and accomplishment of exercises from a book that I will recommend to you in order to learn French as a foreign language
  • Description of a picture in order to use your French vocabulary and learn new words
  • Replying to questions about French culture and French expressions
  • Role playing to practice your speaking and understanding skills
  • Watching  a very short video (a few minutes) and discussion about the subject

French activities to do at home

In between every two lessons, you will have homework or activities to do in order to challenge your listening, writing, translating and reading skills. Here are a few examples of homework and activities to learn French at home between two lessons :

  • Finish the exercises on the topic we have seen in class
  • Read my posts on and choose one of them to discuss at the next course
  • Translating of a short text from English to French
  • Listening to radio extract and replying to questions
  • Watching short-movies without audio and writing of the history
  • Listening to a song and reading the lyrics

Prepare for a job interview in French

Intensive French Program is also useful to learn Business French. Do you have to interact with your clients or colleagues? Then you must learn French quickly ! Your teacher will select authentic documents based on your professional field so that you can learn the specific vocabulary you need to understand at work.

Actually, French for professionnals courses can be about any field :

  • Business
  • Industry
  • Leisure
  • Law
  • Tourism
  • Education
  • Others

French for professionals and Preparation for DELF or DALF exam will be based on specific authentic documents and exam training exercices.

To conclude, getting this pack of 20 courses Intensive Program means you will have 1 French course each day over four weeks. You will attend either General French courses, French for professionals or Preparation for DELF/DALF exam. Don’t wait and start your 20 courses to learn French with a native teacher !!